The Differences in Children

 The Differences In Children

Do you have more than one child? Did they end up completely opposite in every way? Mine did, let me tell you! I thought it would be fun to share my experience with my children and discuss their differences. Whether you've had children or plan on having children, this article will hopefully be enjoyable to read and even allow you to reminisce about your own bundles of joy.

There are many ideas of what child number 1 and 2 will end up like.
One small example. They say, or at least I was told, your first baby will come late and your labor will be long. Your second baby will come quickly and earlier. This did not happen with me. 
W, my son, my firstborn, was 2 weeks early and came so quickly I almost had him in the car on the way to the birthing center. I started labor around 7 in the morning and had him at 10:30 AM. My parents hadn't even boarded the flight to come see us when we were sending pictures. E, my daughter, took her sweet time coming into the world. My mom came 2 weeks early so she didn't miss this birth and E was born a day after her due date and took all stinking day to finally make her appearance.

Their individual personalities:
W was such an easy baby to take care of. Side note- he was born with an unbelievably, perfectly round head... it's crazy, I know, but this boy's head is as round as a basketball. I don't know how that happened. Anyways, he is always smiling and happy-go-lucky. In fact, he was so good we thought- "Hey, this is great! Let's have another baby!"(more on this later). As W has grown he has become very methodical and particular about where his belongings go. He arranges his things in such an orderly fashion and has to have everything just so. He is kind, sensitive, and considerate. When he was smaller, and we would get on to him for something he did, he would instantly cry. We didn't have to go any further, he got it immediately. W isn't particularly happy about doing school and he insists on writing in all caps. He's so smart though!  Now, of course, he's not perfect, as no one is. But he's a pretty awesome little boy. 

E is COMPLETELY opposite! It's insane how opposite. W, being such an easy baby, convinced us that we should have another one. I always used to joke that if we had her first, we might not have tried for another. She took her time being born(as said earlier), and it's safe to say she is our wild child. She's a little all over the place. She's stubborn. Hubby says she was born frowning and she was even nicknamed Grumpy Spice by a friend. She really did come out frowning and when she was smaller, people would say hello to her and she would say "no thank you". She hated other people to touch and even look at her.  The older she has gotten though, the more loving she has become. She is most definitely all girl. She can be sensitive with the littlest things but can also be rough and destructive with other things. She loves to help with anything and everything. She is so generous and will not hesitate to give the last cookie to you. She loves using her imagination and can entertain herself for hours. She enjoys doing school and doesn't settle for anything less than a 100 😂 She is truly an amazing little girl.

Their interactions with each other:
Now how can 2 little people argue so stinking much one day and be the best of buds playing peacefully for hours the next? No idea, but I love the days where they play and have the best of times together. 
They often mimic the same things they hear from their parents. I once heard E telling W, "you're not the parent!" This was something I would tell the children when they were being bossy to one another. 
It's funny to see my kids interactions and hear their conversations. Even their conversations with us are so hilarious sometimes. So much so that I've been keeping a log on the hilarious ones. Here is one for your reading pleasure:

E- "Dada, where did the pen go?"
Hubby- "I don't know where you threw it."
E- "It's Blue."

Like knowing the color will help figure out where she threw it 😂

and one more:

Italian music playing in the background: W- "Why are they playing pizza music?"

Such characters!

W is so kind and will make his sister breakfast if she asks- cereal, toast, eggos. He may even complain about it but for some reason he still does it-even when I tell him he doesn't have to feed her since she is perfectly capable of getting it herself. He loves his sister, even if he won't readily admit it. 

My children have their differences, sometimes they follow the norm and other times they don't but that's what makes them so special! That's why I love them so much! They may drive me bonkers sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
It's both cool and terrifying raising two kiddos. You always worry you are doing the wrong thing or teaching the wrong way. But, honestly, we are all just winging it. No one knows what they are doing! 
Do your kids follow the "norm" descriptions of boys and girls or 1st or 2nd child? Let me know in the comments! 



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